Jun 28, 2021
Neale is hiding his new camera purchase, the boys dip back into their Irish heritage for a green passport that may allow them to shoot weddings in Europe and Kev gives more X Raw Studio advice. How do you keep on top of the myriad of ways people now use to keep in touch on social media and what’s the best productivity...
Jun 21, 2021
Kev awaits his new monitor, but will it arrive? We talk about the affect others’ photography online has to inspire, the importance of Kickstarter book projects, recording audio for slideshows and filming, the electronic v mechanical shutter actuations lifespan of a Fujifilm mirrorless camera, OIS v IBIS, ask the...
Jun 14, 2021
The boys are back in town… cue the song! This week the astounding news that Kev is getting married, but to whom? And why? Did last week’s episode cause this? So many questions! Neale and Kev design their perfect camera, we give a ‘hall pass’ to buy an X100V, discuss camera customisation and talk about your...
Jun 7, 2021
Neale is taking a well-earned break, so Gemma joins Kevin at the helm as they steer the good ship Fujicast into several Icebergs. We discuss what makes us successful and more GAS. Are we buying cameras because they look cool or because they do the job? Just why haven’t Kev and Neale kept their promise to Gemma, and...