Oct 7, 2019
This week the show comes from Chez Kev, or Studio Mullins if you will, as we go on the road for a couple of weeks during Kevin's busy speaking season. Neale tackles Kev with a below the belt XP3 question or two and you ask Jeremy Daalder, owner of Image Science a clutch of questions about colour calibration, monitors, printing and whether we really need to worry about all that stuff anyway in a segment we could have called 'Why do my pics look so c$@p.'
Simplr straps: https://simplr.us
Image Science: https://imagescience.com.au/
Kevin Mullins: https://www.kevinmullinsphotography.co.uk
Neale James: https://www.nealejames.com
X-Weddings: https://www.x-weddings.co.uk